Have you ever wish that you get just one more day? To make up event, to undo things, to say I love you to the most precious people?
This book is based on true story of Charles (Chick) Benetto who chose to be "daddy's boy" and chase his father's attention whilst his mother fight so hard to love him.
When Chick left drop college and join the baseball team, he broke his mother heart. When the career gone, he lost his money in a cafe business, he became a salesman, bored and unappreciated, he try his luck in investment where all his savings goes down the drain. Divorced and not even invited to his daughter wedding, he choose to end his life at his old town, pepperville Beach where his mother (died 8 years ago and he was not even there) used to live. Drunk and he slammed the billboard, get up and when he reach the house, he found his mother was there.
Lots of things happen in that one day ...
A good read. I love the story.
Sometimes we are busy finding and try to get what we don't have, what we couldn't get that we forget and blind on what we have with us. Very near yet very far.