Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Non Fiber Entry

:D About last week we went to Taiping; a place I keep so close in my heart because here is where I learn to grow up. I was schooling here for five years and there's a lot of memory involved of course.. And so, I walked down the memory lane ... after 20 years leaving the main gate

my school

the hall... there were students sit for their SPM exam at the timeI took the picture.. :D been there..done that .. la la la la

tadaaaa....in front of the entrance...with Speedy Hill in the background

the hostel... my dorm level is on the left building, second floor.. I was a Helang girl..;)

Taman Tasik Taiping

thank you for looking!


  1. sekolah sini yerk.. adik akakpun sekolah sini dulu.. rasanya tahun 1990 dia form 5 kot.. selalu gak gi seratas... tepen memang best...

  2. ye ke? siapa ye? saya form 5 1991 .. mesti kenal kalau popular..ngeeee
